• len881 4 days ago |
    Neat! Very intersting
  • albertopv 2 days ago |
    I'll send it to a DBA colleague that is truly struggling with this XD
  • pjmlp 2 days ago |
    Well done for knowledge sharing.

    I always impresses me, how many don't understand how to manage their SQL scripts, packages and stored procedures in SCM systems, when this was already a common product from SQL vendors in the 1990's.

    • way0utwest 2 days ago |
      Thank you (it's my piece)
  • fnord123 2 days ago |
    I've never seen so many screenshots for a git tutorial. Are windows users ok?
    • hobs 2 days ago |
      Generally the word DBA has a pretty broad meaning - and one of them is that you were a click admin that got hoisted into being responsible for your database servers, and things like software engineering tools (git, shell scripting in general) are a few years off.

      The number of databases I have seen out of source control is too many to count, the number of times I had people who understood SQL very well but couldn't use git worth a damn. Some of them have been modifying the top of the file of a stored procedure for decades

        2024-01-01 hobs - changed even more shit
        2023-07-24 hobs - minor tweaks
        2001-02-04 hobs - created
      • cafard 2 days ago |
        I am reasonably confident that Oracle keeps its code under source control, but the PL/SQL packages it supplied start with a lot of this. The package WWV_FLOW, central to the APEX/ORDS product has more than 500 lines like

          --    MODIFIED   (MM/DD/YYYY)
          --      mhichwa   08/04/1999 - Created
          --      mhichwa   09/30/1999 - Removed g_show_reset global
          --      mhichwa   10/09/1999 - Added g_last_query_text global for error reporting
          --      mhichwa   10/09/1999 - Removed g_success_procedure, g_success_url
          --      mhichwa   10/09/1999 - Removed g_step_sub_title_font_color   --
          --      mhichwa   10/14/1999 - Added 10 extra inputs v26 ... v35
        • hobs a day ago |
          Thanks for the good laugh, but yeah, the time before source control is not that far behind some of us.
    • okasaki 2 days ago |
      Have you ever seen a book about a Windows app? 1200 pages, 1000 of them screenshots.

      An insane way to do computing.

      • tempaway4512641 2 days ago |
        its how we roll in Windows land, GUIs over command line mostly

        true, you need some screenshots to teach someone a new trick

        but then when they've done it once they'll remember it because GUIs really help for that kind of stuff

        whereas for command line you'll have to google it every single time for the rest of your life unless its something you do regularly

        • safety1st 2 days ago |
          ...Or just commit the terminal commands and/or resulting dotfiles to git.

          Which the GUI paradigm has no built in equivalent to

          • humanfromearth9 2 days ago |
            Equivalent GUI paradigm : macro recording?
            • tichiian 2 days ago |
              Not really, at least not in Windows. There are no cross-application macros in Windows, just intra-application ones, and that only for some applications.

              It is a little better on MacOS with AppleScript, which can be used to bind different applications together. But not all of them, and it is far from ideal.

              In the end, nothing of this is command-line equivalent.

              Btw, if you want to see a GUI application that can do really really good macros, learn Blender! E.g. you can bind any button and knob to keyframes to change them in animations. That would be the level of macro-integration required to be CLI-like...

              • pjmlp a day ago |
                I rather roll with Xerox, Dec, Apple and ETHZ way of computing with OLE Automation, COM, WMI, .NET, VBScript and PowerShell REPLs and scripts.
              • fragmede a day ago |
                there's AutoHotKey on windows, among a ton of other automation tools.
        • fnord123 a day ago |
          Until the UI changes and a button moves or is renamed.
    • shortrounddev2 2 days ago |
      It's a very old way to use git, too. There's a CLI client for windows which doesn't require the old git bash program or mingw. You can install it via widget, scoop, or chocolatey and run it in windows terminal
    • way0utwest 2 days ago |
      It's that lots of db people don't understand anything about VCS period. They don't use them. (it's my piece)
  • amne 2 days ago |
    going off of "devops are sysadmin that push their scripts to git" I think we can now call DBAs DbOps. I pronounce it like "deebops".
    • d-trieu 2 days ago |
      I thought they were called Data Engineers nowadays
      • gregw2 2 days ago |
        Nah, data engineers tend to specialize in moving data from point A to point B. DBAs tend to specialize in managing data in point A or point B.

        Some people cultivate aspects of both skillsets of course and data engineers often end up doing DBA functions in point B (where analytical data is stored) while DBAs manage point A (OLTP source systems)

      • datadrivenangel 2 days ago |
        Data Engineers are DBAs who are trying to hide that fact as much as possible so they have time to learn kafka on the job.
  • hnrodey 2 days ago |
    letting Git, get you down?

    Mental Models I Rely On To Beat Git: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sm2x7xWQID4&t=7s

    note: this is my video

  • robertkoss 2 days ago |
    Call me ignorant but I am surprised that there are people in the engineering realm that still don't use a VCS for everything.
    • tichiian 2 days ago |
      I've gotten surprised gasps for the use of etckeeper.

      "you can actually do that?" "why didn't anyone tell me?" etc.

    • way0utwest 2 days ago |
      In the world I work in, which is lots of DBAs/sysadmins/db developers, lots don't do anything with VCS when working in databases.

      To be fair, lots of developers who make/need database changes still email those to DBAs/sysadmins.

    • Cthulhu_ a day ago |
      To some, VCS is still a novel invention.
  • guruparan18 2 days ago |
    A bit surprised to see there is no mention of Liquibase, Flyway or others. Not to mention there is also "https://www.dolthub.com/". This was just for git.
    • sea-gold 2 days ago |
      There is also Bytebase[1].

      [1] https://github.com/bytebase/bytebase

      • guruparan18 2 days ago |
        Did not know about this. Seems awesome tool to work for next project. Thanks.
    • way0utwest 2 days ago |
      I work for the company that owns/developers Flyway, so I didn't include it in here.

      However, for DBAs, they often are doing ad hoc stuff and there is a bit of overhead for FW/LB that they may not want. This is part of a series, just getting people comfortable with tracking their work.

      • guruparan18 2 days ago |
        Thanks for the explanation. And no worries. I was only mildly surprised it was on one direction. Now I know why.