• ck2 3 months ago |
    I don't know how this would be done but I've often wished there was

    space .ycombinator .com

    (or spacetime .ycombinator .com)

    Since there's no tagging, maybe a specially crafted search result

    ie. (NASA, JAXA, IRSO, moon, satellite, space, telescope, hubble, voyager, supernova, etc.)

    • dannyphantom 3 months ago |
      That would be pretty cool actually.

      There is hn.algolia.com which can be used to (kind of, at least) achieve that but it's not a perfect fit.

      This is a result if you search "JAXA" and sort by All for the Last Year so it's just kinda there


  • chasil 3 months ago |
    How can a remnant star be produced when the combined mass exceeds the Chandrasakar limit?

    It seems from the wiki that there is no actual collision. This seems to be something between a nova and a supernova.


    • pfdietz 3 months ago |
      Presumably the explosion ejects enough material to bring the remnant below the limit. Or, possibly, rotation allows the remnant to not immediately collapse (the Chandrasekar limit is for a nonrotating body, although I understand the increase for a rapidly rotating star is only a few percent.)