• Artzain 4 days ago |
    I often found myself scrolling through Twitter trying to catch the significant moments and the come up from indie hackers, startup founders, or even successful artists. It was cumbersome and time-consuming, and I knew there had to be a better way. That’s when I built TweetSearch.

    What began as a tool for my own use quickly evolved into something more: a way for all of us in the startup scene to get more from our favorite founders, whether it's Gary Tan, Brian Chesky, or others, and learn what they have shared over the years.

    Ideal for anyone in the startup community looking for inspiration, seeing the founder's story to the top, and discovering which tweets are top performers.

    Very keen to know your feedback on the tool or any suggestion you have!

    • aguaviva 4 days ago |
      Requires signup, meaning I'll never get to find out what it does and will completely forget about your post within seconds of submitting this helpful feedback to you.
      • Artzain 4 days ago |
        I actually had to make a signup to allow a free usage of the tool. If no signup, it can too easily be botted and my fees for results request would go through the roof.

        We have Google one-click signup though. Why is it such a painful process for you (genuinely curious to hear from you)

        • aguaviva 4 days ago |
          I'm not on Google, which must mean I don't matter to you and you don't want my business or my referrals anyway. As for why users hate having to sign up for something to just find out what it is:


          In more detail: because life is short, and most of these sites just aren't that great anyway. You may say it's one-click but the fact is users have been gaslit too many times by signups that require multiple interactions to plod through (from surveys to emails to ToS pages that of course no one has time to read). Again, just to find out what the site supposedly does or it's worth their time. After a point it's like, forget it, they're all guilty until proven innocent.

          The concern about bots is entirely understandable, and I don't have any immediate answers for you as I have no idea what the current space of countermeasures looks like these days, but it may be worth taking another look at. You might also consider a hybrid approach, that offers say 10 free searches before requiring a signup (so people can get feel for the UX, does it do what it says, is it responsive or is it another piece of React garbage, does it blast them with ads and popups, etc).

          • Artzain 4 days ago |
            First of all don't take it personally, I made Google signup to simplify the process of as many users as possible. We also have email signup with magic link and passwordless, proof that you matter :)

            And this is the only step, no further questions asked! For the 10 free searches that's a clever thought. But it still can be botted by using different browser sessions, vpns, proxies etc... Perhaps I'm being extra careful as well, but I heard some bad stories of bot attacks around me.

            Anyway I appreciate you taking the time to explain your thoughts!

    • add-sub-mul-div 4 days ago |
      Not having to hear from people like Gary Tan is a benefit of being off Twitter, not a reason to jump through ridiculous hoops to make the site usable.
      • Artzain 4 days ago |
        For some Gary Tan provides good insights, for others it doesn't. I'm sure you like to read some influential personalities. You could search for those ones instead with my tool :)
  • leobg 4 days ago |
    From the AI generated “best of” pages:

    > Elon Musk's Bold Support for Trump Amid Health Concerns

    This is after the assassination attempt.

    • Artzain 4 days ago |
      Absolutely! I've tried to make all the title & subtitles AI generated, some things still need to be polished :)
  • scudsworth 4 days ago |
    here's what i'm seeing: you ripped off an old popular twitter 3rd party site (2010's favstar), repurposed it as view-only (lol), slapped a bunch of garbage ai-generated content on it, are trying to charge a ridiculous amount of money for it, and your target user appears to be someone dumb enough to not know how to look up the right date search params on twitter
    • Artzain 4 days ago |
      That's called a wrapper, where we simplify UI and navigation for users :) From that cynical view, everything you use is kinda the same. Gmail is just a wrapper of IMAP/SMTP, ChatGPT just a wrapper of open source LLM and I can go endlessly on it
      • scudsworth 3 days ago |
    • slimebot80 2 days ago |
      It's not repurposing favstar given favstar doesn't exist

      favstar used the twitter api, but could not continue when that rug was pulled

      I assume this service takes a more manual path. Probably deserves an income given the uncertainty and difficulty.

  • Joelisong 3 days ago |
    How can i get it
    • Artzain 3 days ago |
      Just go on tweetsearch.co :)
  • terrycody 3 days ago |
    Does this tool allow check those banned account contents posted before? And can it check the deleted contents from any account? I once stumbled upon such a tool, and now I can't find it.

    That is very useful.

    • Artzain 3 days ago |
      Thanks for your question Terry. Unfortunately it can't fetch banned accounts / deleted content
  • renewiltord 3 days ago |
    Maybe you could have some pre-set examples I could view without signing up? Something that has already been searched for example. That way it’s just a cached result.
    • Artzain 3 days ago |
      Good idea, will try this out!
  • amin 3 days ago |
    Well done. But I’m getting a bug. 1 sec after it loads, the screen turns white and it says

    “Application error: a client-side exception has occurred (see the browser console for more information).”