Why Gumroad Didn't Choose Htmx
26 points by ksbrooksjr 2 days ago | 3 comments
  • recursivedoubts 2 days ago |
    The CEO of gumroad mentioned on twitter that he had tried out htmx for a project but decided to go with NextJS instead. I asked him if he was willing to write up his experience and he graciously agreed to do so. I have been looking for a thoughtful negative experience with htmx to host on the htmx website and I am very thankful he was willing to put in the work to produce one.
    • derekzhouzhen 2 days ago |
      I wish more people publish negative testimony like you do. It shows guts.
      • winwang 2 days ago |
        Not just guts -- the will to gather real feedback and constantly improve. Beautiful!