Parallax Scrolling on the Gameboy Color
12 points by jmkdev 2 days ago | 3 comments
  • jmkdev 2 days ago |
    The Gameboy, like the NES and other 8-bit hardware, could only display a single background layer. There are some common techniques developers used to present a sense of multiple background layers in spite of this limitation; we'll go through a few of them using an example from my new Gameboy Color game, Depths of Europa.
  • bendur_ 17 hours ago |
    Really interesting, and gave me a good nostalgia hit. Looking forward to trying you game when it’s ready!
    • jmkdev 16 hours ago |
      Thanks! If you'd like to try it the demo is available; it's a complete game of it's own, usually takes just under an hour to 100%: