• coding123 3 hours ago |
    A friend's Dad has Wozniak's old VCR. We used to watch movies on that all the time as kids. Interestingly this person was also working on Pong, specifically on the ball device that used to move the paddle around.
    • mistrial9 2 hours ago |
      some early video games were from Commodore; they had a box that generated a TV signal.. the box had knobs or perhaps a joystick. The games played by assigning a TV channel on the box, then changing the TV channel (with a knob on the TV) to that channel. The video game is now playing.
      • jasonjayr 2 hours ago |
        If you still have access to an analog tuner, you can do this trick with the ESP8266!


      • crtasm an hour ago |
        Even in the days of Super Nintendo we had the option of hooking it up the TV like this.
        • foobarchu 22 minutes ago |
          This was common on every console through the 2000s, composite cables were not the norm in my experience.

          While the PlayStation 2 shipped with composite cables, even it had a coaxial adapter available for tuning to channel 2 or 3.

  • pvg 2 hours ago |
    A big similar discussion two years ago https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=31511719
  • rand0mfacts 2 hours ago |
    This site has a simulation of the hardware logic used to build Pong: https://www.falstad.com/pong/ball.html
  • holoduke 2 hours ago |
    On paper. I remember my cousin who is 50 now writing me letters, handwritten with entire programs in it. All i had to do was writing it and compile it. It often worked out of the box and was never longer than a few pages. I dont know how he did it.
    • alexey-salmin an hour ago |
      That's not the question. There was essentially no computer at all in those videogames
      • chongli an hour ago |
        You still use paper. Instead of writing the game in a general purpose programming language you write it using logic gates. You get abstraction and modularity by designing larger components (adders, flip-flops, timers, shift registers) on separate pieces of paper and then including them as named black boxes in a higher-level diagram.

        The good news for the Pong developers is that most of those larger components were already available off-the-shelf. Common families of these chips, such as the venerable 4000-series and 7400-series logic families, began to appear on the market in the mid-1960's.

        Edit just to add another bit of nuance. If it still seems like an extremely difficult task without much precedent, I think the lineage of these early arcade games can be traced back through their older arcade siblings: pinball machines. People had been building more and more sophisticated pinball machines over the decades since their inception in the early 1930s. For a look into pinball machines, some of their history, and an amazingly deep dive into the workings of a 1970's model, check out Alec's pinball series on Technology Connections [1].

        [1] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ue-1JoJQaEg&list=PLv0jwu7G_D...

      • yarg 18 minutes ago |
        Wouldn't it be closer to say that the game was the computer?

        A very simplistic and non-general purpose computer, but a computer nonetheless?

    • hggigg 43 minutes ago |
      That was a miracle. I used to type in programs from magazines and books and nothing ever worked. That did however teach me how to fix things and was very productive in the long run!
  • illwrks 2 hours ago |
    I watched this video on Youtube a few months ago that's very insightful!

    It's about an arcade game from the 70's called Sega JET ROCKET:


  • hggigg an hour ago |
    Pong isn’t that complicated. If you go even further back it gets even simpler. There’s a good example here: https://www.eevblog.com/forum/projects/oscilloscope-pong-for...

    It looks complicated but it’s really not if you break it down into small bits and think of it like you would with a piece of software I.e. abstractions.

    • yarg 30 minutes ago |
      Did you RTFA?

      It covers some things that are rather counterintuitive, especially if you come from a modern programming background.

      Now is it complicated? No not really, I read the answer and immediately understood what was going on.

      But no modern programmer would ever come up with the solution of addressing x and y positions by setting timers to wake at the times when the point in the scan-line or the scan-line in the frame was reached (although sleep-sort does exist).

      If anything, the point of the post is the fact that it's very easy to understand, despite how counterintuitive it may be.

  • Dwedit an hour ago |
    NTSC composite video isn't all that hard, you have voltages for VSync, HSync, VBlank, HBlank, Black and White. Generate the correct voltages at the correct times and you have a TV picture.

    But TVs then didn't have composite video inputs, so you also needed an RF modulator.

  • squeaky-clean 31 minutes ago |
    There's a scene in "That 70's Show" where Kelso and Red bond over Pong and decide to mod the game to make it harder. And a few hours later with a soldering iron, smaller paddles!

    The first time I saw that episode was at a friend's house. I felt so smart telling him that was impossible because you can't mod software with a soldering iron. Then his dad poked his head out from the kitchen and told me Pong didn't have software.

    Turns out the only impossible part of that episode is the idea of it taking a few hours. Changing the paddle size was a mod already supported by the hardware and the manual gave details on how to do it. Though it wasn't necessarily intended as a difficulty setting, it was intended to support different sizes of TVs. iirc, all you need to do is solder 1 jumper.

  • chrismcb 31 minutes ago |
    What do you mean by "programmable computer?"
  • DonHopkins 20 minutes ago |
    Blip is a digital game, because you use your fingers to play it, and it used that cool BYTE Magazine computer font.

    BLIP video game by Tomy commercial 1979:


    Blip - 1977 Mechanical Pong:


  • jburgess777 7 minutes ago |
    Olimex just released a 1 euro game ‘computer’ based around a tiny RISC-V microcontroller. It drives a monochrome VGA display by bit-banging a couple of GPIO lines in software. Obviously the use of a microcontroller is cheating a little, but likely makes the system cheaper than anything which could be built with discrete logic or FPGA.
