Short films by Lillian F. Schwartz (1927-2024)
101 points by kiisupai 13 hours ago | 15 comments
  • kiisupai 13 hours ago |
    • anonu 12 hours ago |
      > becoming the first female artist in residence at Bell Labs

      I never knew about her - thank you for posting. The intersection of art and computers has always fascinated me. And clearly she was a pioneer in this field.

      Here's the NYT obit:

  • chelseak6 12 hours ago |
    Short films are ^^^^
  • wiz21c 12 hours ago |
    The mother of all the demoscene !!!
  • inatreecrown2 12 hours ago |
    what I find interesting in her short films is the "disconnect" between visual and audio. it is not perfectly synchronized, perhaps it would not have been possible to do so. but today with all out technical possibilities, to see something like this, it transmits a kind of purity and innocence.
  • joony527 12 hours ago |
    Very nice short films! Had fun watching them
    • lproven 12 hours ago |
      All of them just display an error message for me. Nothing is playable.

      What am I missing here?

      • lproven 12 hours ago |
        Seems to be a Mozilla browser fail. Works in Chrome. :-(
        • yuvalr1 9 hours ago |
          Works for me on FF
  • rootbear 10 hours ago |
    When I was at the University of Maryland in the late 70s, Schwartz visited the Computer Vision Lab and gave a talk. Sadly, I don't remember much about the talk but I did enjoy meeting her and discussing computer art.
  • ChrisArchitect 10 hours ago |

    Lillian Schwartz, Pioneer in Computer-Generated Art, Dies at 97 -

  • myth_drannon 8 hours ago |
    I wonder if some of the Amiga demos were inspired by her art, they have very similar effects and hers are at least a decade earlier.
  • pdr94 8 hours ago |
    I saw this here so many times, I guess Amiga demos were really inspired by this
  • bryanrasmussen 5 hours ago |
    so I guess this stuff will be out of copyright in 2094 then?
  • imaginationra 4 hours ago |
    I feel like I had to watch these as part of my MKULTRA programming sessions.