It's going to be an interesting time for developers playing with the new "events" API to find the right balance between too few and too many "events" to notify Steam about. Hope it won't carry too big a penalty for those not recording.
> Timeline and Event Markers. The Steam Timeline appears whenever you’re actively recording. Timeline-enhanced games generate event markers as relevant game events happen. Steam achievements and screenshots automatically create markers as well.
It's wild that games have done so so so little to expose the game to the world, to offer APIs. It's been Steam and a couple other major top-down drivers of yore (achievements) pushing games to think beyond the scope of the game window. Remarkable to me how close-minded & slow games have been, that they have to be pushed, to making the game relevant and interesting & enageable broadly.
And a bit sad there aren't open protocols for games play with. It's various intermedies (each tied to their own marketplaces) or bust.
Still, love to see it. And there's already a strong community of folks re-inplenting Steam SDK (ex: nucleus coop) at least, which is great.