Safety in an unsafe world
74 points by signa11 17 days ago | 42 comments
  • uecker 17 days ago |
    What is described there, seems basic encapsulation to me. We do this too in C with structure types and API around it that enforces the invariants. So C is a X-safe language too? Or what am I missing?
    • sitharus 17 days ago |
      C is not X-safe because you can’t declare conformity in the type system.

      In Rust, if I understand the article, you can create a “trait” that marks a type as conforming to an invariant, so in the article they marked thread-safe structures as Send and the thread functions as requiring types that implement Send.

      Send isn’t an API to implement or type definition, it’s a sentinel saying “I declare that this type conforms to the documented expectations” even though the expectations can’t be checked by a compiler.

      • dzaima 16 days ago |
        More generally, with C you can't restrict what can (accidentally or not) interact with the internal unsafe bits (without the cost of forcing the data to always live in the heap at least; or perhaps annoying field names that are automatically searched-for by your build system, though then you're essentially making a DSL), or even force using the "safe" parts properly (not enforced at compile-time, at least) outside of, again, a rather limited subset of cases.

        As a very general example, you can repeat basically any statement in C twice and it'll still compile. If you get lucky, the compiler might tell you you've ended up with a double-free or something, but that's a very limited set of cases, and won't help if the second copy is invoked down a couple function calls.

        There may be some ways to still get additional true guarantees in C, but they'll be rather more restrictive than ones you can write in Rust, and you'll likely end up with overhead, which tempts skimping out on doing things properly in the name of performance.

        • uecker 16 days ago |
          Indeed, the double consumption you can not express in C. But invariants of data structures are not a practical problem in C.

          Looking at the Rust code of this project though, I trust my C code a lot more though... ;-)

          • dzaima 16 days ago |
            > invariants of data structures are not a practical problem in C.

            Is that not the cause of like all memory safety vulnerabilities, which are like 30%-or-whatever of linux ones? I've certainly written my fair share of mistakes around invariants in C code. Of course, if you're a perfect developer, indeed the choice of language won't end up mattering.

            • uecker 16 days ago |
              Straw man fallacy. .
      • 0xDEAFBEAD 16 days ago |
        >it’s a sentinel saying “I declare that this type conforms to the documented expectations” even though the expectations can’t be checked by a compiler.

        Interesting. So perhaps the next step is to sprinkle asserts in randomly at runtime to help with catching bugs.

    • db48x 16 days ago |
      Yea, it’s just encapsulation. Rust gives you some additional tools for achieving it though. Enums are very useful for this, as are the rules for handling shared and mutable references.

      For some examples, imagine an HTTP server that answers requests from clients. You might imagine having a Response object that lets you set headers and the body, with a send method that sends the response back to the client that made the request. It would be an obvious sort of error to send the thing twice, so in C you would assert that send was only called once. In Rust, on the other hand, the send method can _consume_ the Response object. This takes it away from the caller, so the compiler will ensure that they can’t even write code with two calls to the send method. You can’t enforce this at compile time in C because in C all methods take a simple pointer to the object to act on.

      Another invariant that you might want to enforce is that only one body gets attached to the Response, that the body is attached before the Response is sent, and that the user cannot forget to attach a body. You would start with a Response object that has methods for adding headers. It would also have a method that attaches a body. This body method would _consume_ the Response and return a ResponseWithBody object. The ResponseWithBody object doesn’t have any methods for adding headers, or for adding a body, so several of our requirements are now checked by the compiler. It does have the method for sending the response though, and the Response object does not. This satisfies the rest of the requirements. If you try to send a Response, it’ll fail to compile. If you try to add headers after the body, it’ll fail to compile. You literally just make a state machine out of types, with methods that consume one type and return another, and the compiler enforces that only valid state transitions are possible. This is usually called “typestate programming” if you want to search for more examples.

      • uecker 16 days ago |
        I think an object ownership system is something we should have in C. Otherwise, i am relatively unimpressed TBH. And readability of this is questionable:

        • dzaima 16 days ago |
          With my ~2 weeks of Rust usage, that looks pretty readable. You can freely skip over reading some if not most of the boilerplate, reading just the bits actually doing the main stuff (and whatever context you desire), without fear of having skipped out on some safety-critical part.
        • pjmlp 16 days ago |
          We are still waiting for proper arrays and string, or some form of fat pointers for the last 50 years.

          I doubt an ownership system will ever arrive.

          AT&T work on Cyclone ended up being picked by Rust instead of anyone at WG14 getting some inspiration for papers.

          • uecker 16 days ago |
            It is true, I feel pretty lonely in WG14 pushing these ideas sometimes. But it is not that we haven't made progress: When I joined there was only a vague understanding of of the memory model and provenance and even ideas how to make it less reliable in favor of optimization ("wobbly values") etc. We now a a good model for provenance, killed a lot of questionable ideas, strengthened semantics when there is UB (prior I/O is not affected), introduced checked arithmetic, started to eliminate UB from the language (this is ongoing but progressing well), made dependent array types a requirement with concrete plans to add a dependent structure type. On the compiler side tools are also evolving.
            • pjmlp 16 days ago |
              I skimmed through those ideas for C2y, hope they make through.
        • db48x 16 days ago |
          I see a lot of very familiar things there, but with lock ordering declared at compile time. Of course there’s plenty I would need to know more about before I could add to it, but if you were to practice Rust instead of merely commenting about it you would find that the readability improves with usage, same as any other language.
        • SkiFire13 16 days ago |
          IMO "readability" will always be an issue. It's a natural consequence of making more invariants and pre/post conditions explicit in your code.
          • uecker 15 days ago |
            I think also pre/post conditions should look readable. But the Rust code referenced in the aritcle looks like what you would give a proof assistant, but then also only if you never plan to look at this again.
            • db48x 15 days ago |
              I disagree; it looks pretty straight forward to me. I mean, the first thing in the file is an iterator over all addresses on a device that were handed out via SLAAC (as opposed to being manually configured). It makes complete sense to me that this would need the IpDeviceAddresses<Ipv6> lock. You can’t iterate over a list that is being changed by someone else, so you have to hold the lock that prevents it while you do. That’s very obvious and not at all what a proof assistant would generate.
            • SkiFire13 15 days ago |
              I think people tend to underestimate the amount of pre/post conditions needed to ensure that software is correct, and when those are explicitly mentioned they become much less readable than you would expect.
    • jandrewrogers 16 days ago |
      I think the main thing is that it is all done in the type system at compile-time. This is the kind of thing C++ is good at but I’m not sure that C can do it with the same guarantees.
      • pjmlp 16 days ago |
        It can't, because C doesn't have the ability to create library types as if they were built-ins.
        • uecker 16 days ago |
          Why would this be required?
          • pjmlp 16 days ago |
            Because otherwise there is no mechanism to introduce types, that can be used as built-is, while having the connection points across the language to enforce variants.
            • uecker 15 days ago |
              What I do not get is the "can be used as built-in" part. What exactly does this mean? You can enforce invariants by encapsulating structures behind an API. This works fine in C (even better than in C++ IMHO).
      • hgomersall 16 days ago |
        The other thing that is important is the statically enforced move and ownership semantics. They are required for types to encode state.
    • vacuity 16 days ago |
      Java GC, Rust borrow checker, OCaml modules, linters, Valgrind...we more or less know the values that well-written code possesses, but we have yet to figure out how to make well-written code easy to write. Especially at the C or Rust "bare metal" level, it's not about whether a desirable programming practice is possible but whether programmers can reasonably be expected to pull it off.
  • smallstepforman 16 days ago |
    Nice article. Any project rewritten from scratch (version 3 here) by the same experienced engineers will inevitably be better/more robust/more performant than the previous versions. During our career growth as craftsmen, we build using tools we understand, and get a certain output. As we learn more about various other tools (techniques), we have a wider understanding and will make it better again.

    Having read about their journey, I can see they use 77 mutexes and a hierarchy chart for locking to prevent deadlocks. How quaint. I keep on harping about the Actor programming model to deaf ears, but I guess the apprentices need more stumbling around before achieving true enlightenment.

    Version #4, perhaps?

    Any guru want to share what path to take after Actors? I’m ready…

    • kriiuuu 16 days ago |
      Effect systems are great for concurrent programming and easier to reason about than actors. They aren’t available in all programming languages however.
    • znkr 16 days ago |
      Not a guru, but my take is that the actor model is one method of architecting a system to separate synchronization from other concerns. There are other ways to do that, often specific to a particular problem and with more or less separation. As always, there are many tradeoffs involved.
    • mrkeen 16 days ago |
      After actors? Transactions for sure. The SQL databases have been doing it the right way for just as long.
    • Sytten 16 days ago |
      The problem with actor in rust is two fold and would prevent their use in this context I think:

      - They need async. Otherwise you need to implement yielding in house, have one actor per thread, etc. OS code is usually sync / callback based.

      - They need owned and usually send for all input. Since you have to send input / messages over a channel it makes it a requirement to have owned values and send if crossing thread boundaries. Very annoying requirement in rust.

  • rurban 16 days ago |
    Using an actually safe language would have helped also. Pony is deadlock free eg.
    • pornel 16 days ago |
      How does it prevent two actors from waiting on each other?
      • rurban 16 days ago |
        There are no locks. There is no blocking wait, the IO lib is nonblocking throughout. Actors cannot wait.

        Messages are guaranteed to be processed ordered sequentially.

        • loeg 15 days ago |
          There are while loops, though, so actors can still livelock.
    • IshKebab 16 days ago |
      You can't seriously be suggesting that Google use an extremely niche "pre-1.0" language for a production system intended to be used by hundreds of millions of people?
      • rurban 16 days ago |
        Everybody is using Linux or Windows, which are entirely unsafe and riddled with tens of thousands of yet unfixed bugs. Nobody cares.

        Neither the language maintainers nor architects

        • IshKebab 16 days ago |
          > Nobody cares.

          Absolute hogwash. Plenty of people care. Plenty of people don't care, but there's no shortage of people that do.

        • steveklabnik 15 days ago |
          Both Linux and Windows are including Rust (Windows moreso than Linux) specifically because they care.
    • atemerev 16 days ago |
      Ah, that famous programming language where 1/0==0, right?
  • pornel 16 days ago |
    I'm amazed how well the Send/Sync bounds work.

    Finding all possible data races in arbitrarily large and complex programs (even across 3rd party dependencies and dynamic callbacks) seems like a challenging task requiring specialized static and dynamic analyzers. But it turns out it can be reduced to automatically marking structs as safe to move to a thread, and type annotations on mutexes and thread-spawning functions.

    • vacuity 16 days ago |
      It's an example of richer, expressive interfaces that allocate responsibility for who ensures what behavior properly for the problem. Send and Sync don't fundamentally make thread safety easier. What they do is that library authors can provide abstractions to users and each side has a clear scope of diligence. Rust's realization through Send/Sync is more complicated in practice, demonstrated by that one bug for Mutex(Guard?) in the standard library, but pulls its weight well.
  • nneonneo 16 days ago |
    The fancy lock-ordering type bounds can be found here:

    Whenever you explicitly declare a lock ordering "B must be locked after A", it creates an (explicit) trait implementation "impl LockAfter<A> for B". It also creates a blanket (generic) trait implementation "impl LockAfter<X> for B" for any X where A implements LockAfter<X>; this basically fills in all the transitive edges of the graph.

    Rust prohibits multiple implementations for the same trait and type. If there's a cycle in this graph involving A, then eventually the transitive walk will generate an "impl LockAfter<A> for A", after which it will generate a blanket "impl LockAfter<A> for B" which conflicts with the explicit impl and thus results in a compiler error.