Hi HN, I built Zepto, a web app to generate a Business requirements doc from a product idea in seconds and collaborate with your team effortlessly. Saves time coming up with the initial product requirements documentation and gets alignment by sharing with your team. Would love to hear your thoughts, feedback, or feature suggestions!
  • necovek 16 hours ago |
    How about a feature where someone enters a concise description and it stays concise instead of repeating the same but rephrased a dozen times.

    It'd be nice if it added some valuable stuff relevant to the description at hand.

    For a couple examples I gave it, it did exactly the above, and I couldn't find value in it.

    TBH, this is an argument I had with my PM already: if you've got a good enough prompt for LLM to produce a relevant write-up, that prompt is usually more valuable than the gibberish filler an LLM produces.

    • ladsumit 16 hours ago |
      Thank you for the detailed feedback! Definitely, see the need for more concise and value added content generation. That is something I will be looking to improve. Thanks again for trying it out.