But I'm looking through the luajit-remake codebase, and there is still a lot of code. Assuming that the drt and deegen directories are Deegen (however, at lease drt/tvalue.h is clearly part of the VM, not of Deegen):
> fd . -e h -e cpp | egrep -v "test|thirdparty|deegen|drt" | xargs wc --total=only --lines
> fd . -e h -e cpp | egrep -v "test|thirdparty" | xargs wc --total=only --lines
In comparison, Lua 5.2.4 is 20.3k lines of C and LuaJIT 1.1.5, which is a (comparable?) method JIT compiler, is 22.8k lines of C and 4.8k lines of Lua (for dynasm and JIT support). LuaJIT 2.1 is 74.9k lines of C, 13.7k Lua.Sorry, I think I was responding to completely the wrong comment. I would also like a more general-purpose tool for writing fast programming language implementations
presentation by the author
Deegen: A LLVM-based Compiler-Compiler for Dynamic Languages https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5cAUX9QPj4Y
Slides https://aha.stanford.edu/sites/g/files/sbiybj20066/files/med...
Ongoing work documented here https://sillycross.github.io/ and some comments here https://lobste.rs/s/ftsowh/building_baseline_jit_for_lua