What would be the best approach? (Mainly focusing on kubernetes cluster on AWS). Is there any good out of the box solution? Would you build everything by yourself (with the team)?

Would appreciate to hear some trade offs and other ideas.

  • Urahandystar 11 hours ago |
    Yes, If i was starting up I'd be looking to do something like this with a guide as to what I was doing. There would be a huge market for non/semi technical founders who want to start up using a cloud service but are daunted by all the services.
    • MeravZaks 11 hours ago |
      thanks, did you try using one? if so - which one?
  • solardev 5 hours ago |
    Not for k8s, but I've used and liked Cloudways for simpler managed framework deployments (on your own cloud plans). They were acquired by DigitalOcean a few years ago.

    For WordPress, there's also the self-hosted Gridpane.

    I'd try to just use serverless most of the time these days...