Aedan references a presentation earlier on Day 1 of 38C3 about hardware fault injection of the ACE3 USB-C controller in Apple hardware:
There are many "MCU break" services in the Far East that specialise in this sort of thing as their core business, and $20K USD is roughly at the high end of what they'll charge (for physical work), not mere voltage glitching.
Doesn't this sound like the RP2350 is "secure enough"? Like you mention, if the attacker can send a unit to an MCU Break service, it's game over already.
The attacker can play arbitrary shenanigans, like in this example, glitching only one power rail of many to attack a crucial part, or shine light on parts of your die. And suddenly, there is only little of this "usual" behaviour that remains.
You can look at the hardening mechanisms of Hardware Security Modules or security processors, e.g. in Smart Cards, for all the effort they take in order to detect an attacker.
To come back to your original question: Burning a "wire" is not what's usually done. I consider this to be impractical, since such a "wire" fuse would be electrically weak, impeding performance of any signal travelling through that wire. The same goes for an antifuse (I interpret the "AF" in the RP2350 datasheet as "antifuse" array), which when closed also only creates a weak electrical connection. That's why you usually use fuse bits as input to CMOS switches that will then be opened or closed.
Yet, if you would distribute these fuse bits and switches and put them directly next to their usage site, I think that could achieve your goal. Yet, still, this would mean you'd now have to route the control signals to these fuses instead, which would mean you have to route high-current or high-ish-voltage signals across your chip. So, in the end, I don't see an easy solution to this fuse dilemma.
If Rpi wants to rescue RP2350, they must release a new bug-fix stepping soon, or this one is done.
This isn't about the technology - the organization's priorities are clearly divided between two segments - one that's trying to expand the revenue by expanding into enterprise/commercial market and another that is trying to stick-on cool stuff and prioritizing fun. In this case neither won - the fun guys got kneecapped by the E9 bug making this silicon unusable for hobbyist projects, and the fun stuff kneecapped the enterprise stuff by bypassing the security bit.
(as you can imaging, I'm extremely disappointed with RP2350 - RPi needs to focus or they hobby/maker market is done)
Whoever wrote that headline lacked even a cursory understanding of the attack. You can do better by watching Aedan Cullen's excellent 38C3 presentation for yourself.
It also looks like the chip designers didn't know about the read-persistence between the validation pattern reads and the actual configuration reads achievable by glitching only the OTP memory block (the USB peripheral isn't enabled at this stage). Without access to the documentation for the OTP memory block we can only guess who deserves the most of the blame for this oversight.
The RP2040 didn't have floating point. It is/was popular.
Do whatever floats your boat; the rest of us just uses the documented work-around [1], i.e. either use internal pull-up or an external pull-down resistor on the bus. Note that while tri-state devices are common, it is rarely a good idea to leave a bus line floating.
As for the OTP security retrieval: high security projects, e.g. 2nd factor authorization fobs seem to be out, bummer. Another important use case I'd think are small market specialized devices for which the manufacturer wants to delay the distribution of intellectual property, e.g. by encrypting part of the code. For that the functionality seems still sufficient.
NRF52s had this issue too (like many) and Nordic made new silicon revisions in 2022 (on all their products!) where they don't check for the debug register on boot (and have the protection enabled by default).
It remains to be seen if such revisions completely fix fault injection attacks though.
That said, is there a way to buy a RP2350 with the ARM cores disabled via hardware right from the start, on which raspberry did not pay ARM royalties?
It jus happens that the test value represents an invalid, but useful, configuration (both ARM and RISC-V cores disabled). The chip power on state machine boots the RISC-V cores in this case instead of hanging the start-up sequence. Since the RISC-V cores don't have a secure enclave mode their debug interface is always accessible if a RISC-V core is selected.
The chip reset state machine is also partly under the control of software, because it's used to wakeup the chip from deep sleep modes. So the RISC-V cores (or their debug interface) can be used enable the ARM debug interface and perform a partial reset from beyond the point the state machine would disable the ARM debug interface, but early enough to reset everything else.
It's my understanding there can be no pure software fix.