(I'm not familiar with Carl Sandburg and appreciate the introduction.)
Everything in that article might be true, but I'd use a different source.
Just sayin'
Of course there are. Apologies if I triggered you?
source: people who saw it
It seems that I saw "AI" when I glance "A" in the title, I'm like a LLM trained by news in recently years...
Also a radiolab episode opener takes place at Berkeley Bowl West (the ep on the paradox of choice, they try to decide what apples to get).
These have been your two Berkeley Grocery Store Facts of the day. Reply STOP to unsubscribe.
Eventually I turned 10 and got a military ID and could go into the supermarket. My mom would buy a huge pile of groceries (because it was a bit of a drive to the base and she only shopped every 2 weeks), and the cashier's fingers would just fly over the mechanical keyboard. I'm surprised their fingers didn't bleed from doing that all day.
The laser scanners are sooo much better.
Can you imagine these days leaving your six year old outside while you shopped?