• jens-c 2 hours ago |
    Electric car salesman praises party that is against electric cars
    • riedel an hour ago |
      I guess exactly the point is that concrete political positions don't matter. Musk is reinforcing populists parties, that will change their policies and are just against any constitutional democratic system. Also their populist positions are heavily manipulatable by social media in any direction of Musk's liking.
  • computerthings an hour ago |

    > Musk concurred with her assertion that Adolf Hitler was a communist

    Not that I want to absolve him, but Musk genuinely doesn't know what he's doing. Him pretending to play Path of Exile 2 was so very bad... like he's just talking, has no clue and nobody around him who would dare to bring that up. It's the weirdest thing to try to lie about, too.