The Tedious Heroism of David Ruggles
93 points by samclemens 6 hours ago | 11 comments
  • taneem 5 hours ago |
    I always find that sharing those little tedious details is what creates visceral understanding of a situation. In this case, the true horror of being a liberated Black person in the 1800s and having to relentlessly work to rescue others, while surrounded by people who truly don't care.

    On a lighter note, I use the same approach in understanding user needs as a product builder. I focus on letting people share the minutiae of their day rather than have them editorialize the big topics. By doing so, I get a lot of visceral insight and intuition.

    Thanks for sharing this. I really enjoyed reading it.

    • DFHippie 5 hours ago |
      > people who truly don't care

      The problem with the old "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing" quote of uncertain provenance is that it leaves out most of the population: the people who truly don't care.

    • mncharity an hour ago |
      tfa> The streets of New York were famously the filthiest in the United States, too, lined with privies piled high, which overflowed into the streets. Loose pigs and dogs snuffled in the mire.

      One of my visceral touchstones for early New York: All through the winter, excrement would accumulate, frozen in the streets. Then would come the spring thaw. Even New Yorkers found it notable. It would take several weeks, for hordes of ultimately-fat pigs, to consume that... bounty.

      More on topic, I was years ago viscerally struck by a letter from a 1700's British officer embedded with an American militia. He was clearly gobsmacked - the American officer was... was talking with his men, and... asking the men what they thought!?!

      Perhaps we might teach history as a "travel guide for the time traveler"? "Finding yourself in NY in December of 1836, ..."

      Nice thought on user interviews.

  • delichon 5 hours ago |
    Here's a great candidate to stand on one of those empty plinths. The inscription could be "Social Justice Warrior" to return some valor to the epigram.
    • stronglikedan an hour ago |
      lol, there was never any valor associated with it to begin with
  • treetalker 5 hours ago |
    Another high-quality source that I had never heard of but can now add to my RSS feed! Thank you!
  • isleyaardvark 4 hours ago |
    If you enjoyed this article you would enjoy the book “The Kidnapping Club” by Jonathan Daniel Wells. It covers the history of pre-Civil War New York. (As the title suggests, the bit in the article about “probably have kidnapped him and sold him into slavery” was more common than you might think.)
  • Clippybara 3 hours ago |
    This was a great example for the point that the author is trying to make. The fact that after all that effort, Ruggles was only able to free 2 out of 5 enslaved men is apropos. His victory was incomplete, incremental at best, and nearly got him enslaved again as well, but it was still a victory and it counted, especially for the two men that did get their freedom.

    Shout-out to a grindset abolitionist!

  • JackFr an hour ago |
    I loved the article. This is a truly minor nitpick - he really wasn’t walking that far. As most of the streets and street names in lower Manhattan are the same you can mark the spots on Google maps and see the distances. None of the trips are more than a mile and many less. Someone running the same errands today would most likely walk too.

    I work in the neighborhood though so it’s wild to imagine all that going down on the same streets I walk to work on.

  • flocciput an hour ago |
    > Finally, on Christmas Eve, a group of armed black New Yorkers (reportedly not including Ruggles) boarded the brig Brilliante and managed to rescue two of the men.

    This sentence kind of contradicts the author's point though? After all that tedious work within the legal system it wasn't even procedure that got any of these men freed, but actual direct action.

  • rossdavidh 8 minutes ago |
    Excellent article, with a great point. For those interested in learning more, "Gateway to Freedom" by Eric Foner is a good book. My review: