• vinni2 7 hours ago |
  • thegrim33 5 hours ago |
    Pretty much the textbook definition of emotional, manipulative, rage bait, ideologue, social/political propaganda.

    There's also not a single mention in the article about any failures that led to such a fire being started or failing to be contained. They're so enraged, so upset, yet they don't bother to aim a single picogram of that rage towards all of the many failures that contributed to such a fire happening and spreading.

    I find it hard to believe this person is real. Googling him, he has a tweet that's at the top of his search results where he's griping about a combination of climate change, school shootings, and capitalism being a death cult all in a single tweet.

    Some quotes from his tweets: "Unregulated capitalism is pure destruction.", "Capitalism is a death cult", "capitalist death system", "Trump is openly fascist and openly wants to heat up Earth irreversibly as quickly as possible". He's constantly tweeting in support of "disruptive" activists destroying paintings and storming and taking over buildings, etc. Their entire being is consumed with these thoughts.

    HOW do these people not see how they're in a cult of their own? How does a person like this actually get featured on the nytimes? What absolute insanity.

    • llamaimperative 5 hours ago |
      > There's also not a single mention in the article about any failures that led to such a fire being started or failing to be contained. They're so enraged, so upset, yet they don't bother to aim a single picogram of that rage towards all of the many failures that contributed to such a fire happening and spreading.

      Surely you can share some of these (with citations)?

      > I find it hard to believe this person is real. Googling him, [... enraged ad hominem]

    • vinni2 5 hours ago |
      Are you sure you found the right person? He is a prolific researcher affiliated to NASA https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=5j9m8dkAAAAJ&hl=en

      I can’t find anything you mentioned in his Twitter https://x.com/climatehuman

    • kbelder an hour ago |
      Yah. "I am utterly devastated by the Los Angeles wildfires, shaking with rage and grief." That's the first line. No article of value starts this way.