Maybe it needs to be at a shareholder meeting?
By contrast, in the EU prices are so transparent that whenever there is a sale (in person or online), the new price has to be accompanied with the lowest price from the last 30 days - so that the customer could check how big that sale really is.
Self checkout in a grocery asking for tips is a new level of dystopian though.
I tip people who handle my exposed food and luggage. Nobody else.
Given the anecdotes that few people tip for food delivery, I would be curious how much delivery costs vs eating out when factoring the 20% social tax.
Some are sending weekly email reminders that "they noticed you haven't raised your prices, and in this time of rapid inflation, you should seriously consider adjusting to the expected market rate".
So yes, percentage agreements on transactions net payment providers more from tips.
edit: only where a person interacts with me though in a serving manner like a restaurant vs. a counter
as a person that drives uber eats on the side though tips are good, I don't order food myself too expensive eg. a pizza is like $40 wtf, I'll take my flavored frozen cardboard for $5 thanks
The canonical commentary by Tarantino, from Reservoir Dogs.
CBC's Marketplace did some investigating [1], and found that in many cases, the owner or manager pocket part or all of the service tip, even in provinces where this is not legal.
[1 – video]
[1 - text article]
And what, in the behavior of businesses over the past few decades, leads you to believe they wouldn't just laugh at them and tell them they should be happy for whatever they get?
What leads you to believe a critical mass of businesses in the industries that expect tips would ever, within the current culture and legal regime, decide to compete for high-quality employees by paying them more, rather than just firing everyone who complains, and then bitching and moaning that "no one wants to work" when the applicants for the positions become fewer and lower-quality?
What leads you to believe that a bottom-up approach to this will have any effect, without a genuine change in the culture to declare tipping and the concomitant lower base pay for tipped workers unacceptable, rather than a top-down effort that actually changes the laws and regulations around it?
Your point is really about minimum wage standards not "subsidization".
The rule of thumb for restaurant business costs in non-tipping-culture NZ is: 1/3 staff costs, 1/3 food costs, 1/3 everything else.
The federal minimum wage is $7.25/hr. The federal tipped minimum wage is $2.13/hr. If a tipped employee doesn't get enough tips to reach $7.25/hr for a particular pay period, the employer has to make up the difference.
So with low tips, all you're doing is subsidizing the employer.
If true, illegal. A business can pay a lower nominal wage if tips are expected to supplement it above the minimum (which employees are expected to report and pay taxes on), and if they earn below it, they're adjusted to the minimum.
If the total sum of tips plus their lower pay rate exceeds what they would have otherwise earned making actual minimum wage rates, then the employer doesn’t have to pay any additional wages because tips picked up the slack. Also the employee is rewarded by making rates above the minimum.
In the first case, the employee getting tipped some but not enough to make minimum wage will ultimately only get minimum wage rates for their work. Your tips just close the gap a bit for the employer who would have to pay less to make sure the employee made minimum wage. So, subsidizing the employer/business.
As someone else suggested, tipping in cash is my preferred way because it allows the employee to pocket the tip without reporting, assuring the tip actually goes to them.
Overall in most cases tips should be a non-existent practice or at the very least, not nearly as frequent as it currently is. I regularly dine at several restaurants that have now included tips in their menu and service costs that assure employees are paid a fair rate. The menu prices are slightly higher but I prefer this practice because I know everyone is treated reasonably. If service staff go out of their way and above and beyond, I’ll throw in extra, which is what tipping should be, at least in my opinion.
I have a feeling we're saying the same thing, so here's the word from the source:
I think people would rather have a line were you write down the amount instead of going through prompts. Plus to make matters worse, in many cases the server cam watch what you do.
It's also just generally a good idea to carry cash. Electronic payments have too many failure modes, not the least of which are power and connectivity. (Currently posting this from a disaster zone which is thankfully still connected to the internet.)
Your senses of both etiquette and empathy are bizarre to me.
You cant think of a reason for people to pay taxes?
So yes, now I tip people a little less because I know they aren't being paid $2+tips/hour. That was the entire point of eliminating that weird loophole.
> People are tipping less at restaurants than they have in at least six years, driven by fatigue over rising prices and growing prompts for tips at places where gratuities haven’t historically been expected.
You are being pressured into submitting to being overcharged.
If I walk up and order something that doesn't require labor to make and I bus my own table and throw away my own trash, I don't tip. The business owner pays the staff from what I pay for the food. If not I'll cut the business owner out of the equation and pay the staff to make my food directly. They deserve the profit.
That's already way too high. People started tipping more because the price of food didn't keep up with wages, but that's just not the case anymore. Restaurant prices in my area have doubled in the last seven years or so, most of that coming in the last three or four years.
- Tip generously for in-person seated dining where I'm waited on (20-30%)
- Tip generously for bartenders (say, $20 cash up front if I'm going to be there for awhile/ordering multiple rounds)
- Zero tipping anywhere else.
No, I am not tipping 20% for an ice cream cone. I used to tip $1 for coffee, but I'm not going to go through the trouble of overriding the built in 15/20/25% suggested amounts on the screen, I'm just going to press "No Tip".
That's the most ridiculous bit. I try doing "custom tip" and it is cumbersome, not to mention stressful because the server is the one holding the device for me... waiting and glaring (I don't blame the servers of course.)
This is too much.
This is exacerbated by the closure of businesses due to an unsustainable drop in revenues, which means employment opportunities are becoming more limited.
Tipping provides a degree of useful economic elasticity to many service businesses and workers that simply mandating high wages does provide. The structure of compensation matters more in outcomes than people tend to think.
I also worked McDonald's, including the register, and it never occurred to me that anyone would ever tip me there. (Not that at 20 cents per hamburger or regular fries a tip would amount to much.)
And this perhaps is why I have always tipped 20% for table service, and begrudge tips at the counter.
Classy, helpful, appreciated.
Businesses just need to be honest about pricing and wages. Let the listed prices be the actual price, and leave compensation matters strictly in the hands of workers and employers where it belongs.
Tips and fees reduce clarity and introduce resentment. Why not avoid that mess altogether?
The divide your enemy strategy works very well, to this day. It takes a fair bit of effort and time to dig around to figure out the reality of what’s really going on.
In general, I’d say this is one large factor as to why we’re losing the class war across all sorts of issues.
I am ok with tipping, but I am not ok with being asked to tip on top of a mandatory fee.
If there's individualized face-to-face service involved where even a small conversation is required, I tip unless the service is grossly negligent.
If not, I don't tip.
- Restaurant servers, hosts, and bartenders? 20% minimum
- Barber? 30% minimum
- Tailor? 30% minimum
- Movers, Skycaps, & Maids? 25% minimum
- Food Delivery? Now no.
- Point of Sale? No.
Growing up, I used to generously tip all pizza drivers, but that's changed with the advent of ubiquitous food delivery apps like Grubhub and Instacart where there's a middleman between you and the business that made the food.In San Francisco tipping is expected for any or even no service, customer service is horrific, prices are high everywhere.
I say stop tipping.