> Fortunately though, over the course of Bauble’s development, I had produced a comprehensive suite of test scripts with reference images that demonstrated all of the edge cases and problems that I had faced and already fixed and… No, of course not. I can’t even type that with straight fingers. There were no tests.
Intensely relatable.
Re my choice of reader, I host FreshRSS[0] on a home server, using the official Docker image.[1] It comes with pretty good in-built webpage change tracking too, for websites that refuse to offer RSS. I don't feel confident enough to expose it to the Internet, though I imagine you could use something like Tailscale to tunnel home securely for it.
[0] https://freshrss.org/; https://github.com/FreshRSS/FreshRSS/
Personally, it is reassuring to know there are still people out there capable of doing such complicated and quality work. After seeing my 1000th $19/month thin wrapper over uncredited AI, I had doubts.
Seriously, this does such a good job of capturing the feeling of MAGIC that code is capable of -- both in its process and in its output. Textbook "craft". It's hard to experience that sometimes when surrounded by dependency hell, environments, build systems, certain dynamic programming languages, and the modern web ecosystem.
I should really finish what I started. It may take, say, eighteen years, but I should finish them XD
I bookmarked to play around with the editor sometime, I’ve always wanted to learn GLSL and this feels like a more gentle intro into the world of shaders.
I like the look and style of the game art and making it interactive, somewhat makes me think of the game 'The last night' (still in development).
Your post made me curious about Janet. Will explore it more and how it can be used for graphics and art.
After that, is shows line number 1 and a column number in the millions, so seems to be megabytes of code in that JS file.
For each code box, I get two errors with the same URL, just different column numbers:
- TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating 'renderer.draw')
- Unhandled Promise Rejection: Error: failed to create webgl2 context
This is Safari 18.2 on Ventura (Intel), which seems to be a buggy release all around. Even the scroll bars are broken.
You really got me with the tests for the original Bauble, I had a good laugh after that paragraph!
I’m now also somewhat inclined to have a deeper look into Janet, it looks both useful and interesting.