It uses AI to:
1. Compare your resume against job descriptions 2. Generate tailored cover letters 3. Suggest improvements to your application
No signup required, completely free
I'm sharing it to validate if others find it useful while I have spare AI credits.
May evolve into a product if there's interest
Feedback welcome
... thank you!?
and so on. That is The Horror.
Necessity, because AI generated or not, we're likely going to hit HR departments that are AI augmented or perhaps nearly all AI with some outsourced humans to review anomalies. So this becomes necessary if we want to compete with all the other job seekers.
This tool does two things for now, one is to rank/score resumes based on job description, and another is to generate cover letters. I am beginning to ponder if generating cover letter is morally right or wrong. Regarding the first part, it's just recommendations and suggestions, the AI doesn't go and generate a resume for you, so I believe that's alright.
I use an AI generated template for my cover letters :-D