it would be nice to know what exactly isn't working out and what the problems with native-image was.
Coz i think clojure is as close to perfect, imho, as a language can go without selling out.
This initializes Clojure classes at build time and it mostly works for pure Clojure code.
Doing complicated things (e.g. depending on native library, etc.) requires some tweaking. For example, a few packages may need to be declared as initialized at build time or run time, depending what they are doing. And any unresolved classes need to be added to reflection-config.json.
All these are easily discoverable if one talks to people in the Clojurian slack channels. Clojure is a small community, so it helps to be part of it, because there are not a lot of open materials on the Web.
> mostly works
> requires some tweaking
> discoverable if...
I know nothing about Clojure but from your caveats I think I can see why he spent hours banging his head against a wall.
I grant that it might be described thus if I started out with that stack, but trying to retrofit an older code base with it is, I have found, next to impossible. You have to code around the myriad gotchas as you go or you're never going to identify all those landmines going back over it after the fact. The errors and bad behaviors are too difficult to identify, even for the `native-image` tooling.
Clearly there was another implicit requirement - maybe it had to be a niche language?
Another huge benefit of vim and vim-slime is it is immediately valuable when you use/learn any new language. So long as the language has a REPL/console/interpreter that can be opened from the terminal or terminal emulator in any form (e.g. CL, ruby, python, bash etc etc etc) then vim + vim-slime will be a brilliant ~IDE. (Possibly the only thing I haven't been able to do but wanted to is 'send' code from neovim to the javascript console in chrome, which would be pretty awesome!)
A side note: I found doom-emacs very similar to vim, only needed ~10 or so new keyboard shortcuts to be productive in emacs. (I still much prefer vim, but I'm not so down on emacs).
slime has some issues for me (obviously not OP) and I am not convinced lisp and vim are a good pair. lem is getting pretty good and improving by the day, find it much better to work with than vim when it comes to lisp and vim is my primary editor.
I am sure I have left some productivity on the table not investing in workflows like cider etc but I have gotten a decent workflow using just vanilla tmux, a repl pane and vim-surround
The % matcher in vim does so much heavy lifting, I've never felt limited by a lack of slurp and barf
I actually wrote my own tiny plugin to send snippets to the repl using nc and I'm still happy enough tearing the clojure repl up and down and copying stuff in by hand because dealing with repl state can be pain. Even though I have at times had repls open for months, there is a freedom in just tearing it all down and up again.
Clojure itself has plenty of functions to load in files or snippets to help as well
A while ago, I did some private work for someone, using SBCL, and sent her the native binary I built, then forgot about the whole thing.
The client came back with some new requirements much later, when the project was concluded, and the source code was already lost by that time.
I vaguely remembered how I did things, so I spawned a REPL from the old binary, went into the relevant CL package, wrote a new function that overrides the old behavior, and the client's problem was solved.
I did all those without the original source code. It was a small thing to fix, but I can't imagine making the same fix so swiftly with any other tech stack, when the source code is lost. I was deeply impressed.
Get backups
Probably the only reason why anyone would ever pick Common Lisp for a new project in 2025.
Would love to know more about the problems you faced.
In my experience whenever I faced such issues - it has been because I am not using it well.
For CLOS kind of things I have found library quite well and the performance is better than default multimethods in core clojure implementation.
I especially like its github readme and the FAQ there, provides a good amount of context about the project:
Even CL people are using Discord now? People really do seem to love to converge to a single place.
1. Standalone Executables: The biggest current obstacle right away! But I believe this (as in compilation to standalone, small executables) is coming with the next version (Julia 1.12) in an early form, so maybe stabilized and reliable within this year? There does seem to be a lot of momentum in this direction.
2. Vim Workflow: vim-slime works well to my knowledge, and the overall support (eg. treesitter, LSP, etc.) is pretty good, even if VS Code is the "main" supported editor.
3. Windows/Mac/Linux Support: mostly Tier 1 support []
4. Larger Imperative Ecosystem: FFI with both C and Python are pretty standard and commonly used.
5. Runtime Speed: Crazy fast as well
6. Multithreading: Base language support is already pretty good, and there's OhMyThreads.jl [1] and data chunking libraries and many other supporting libraries around multithreading.
7. Strong Community: I'd expect Julia and CL communities to be on the same order of magnitude? Complete assumption though, in both directions. Web presence is mostly on the Discourse [2] and Slack, and the JuliaCons are pretty well attended.
8. Ecosystem: Since package management is mentioned, I'll shout out the built-in Pkg package manager, the seamless virtual environment support, and the generally quite good versioning in the ecosystem, all of which add up to a really good experience. As for particular libraries, JSON is the only one I know the answer to: JSON3.jl is a solid, standard choice. I don't know if SQLite.jl [3] would be the recommended option for SQLite or something else, HTTP.jl does the job for HTTP requests but I believe isn't particularly fast or sophisticated, and I could believe there's a subcommunity within Julia that uses "functional data structures" but I wouldn't even know where to look. But, for the ex-Clojurian, may I present Transducers.jl [4] as worth a look?
[1] [2] [3] [4]
Beyond that, wrapping C code from Julia is neither nicer nor worse than from CL. Wrapping C code is basically done everywhere except for a few outlier languages (Go comes to mind. It IS possible, but it means usibg cgo, which is its own world).
I liked Julia well enough, but the compile times were slow enough to be painful for me. All the best though to Julia :)
I feel like there's been a boom in "editor hipsterism" in the last 10 - 15 years, while everyone has forgotten the variety of novel editors that were made in the 80s and 90s (I've forgotten them, too, I just remember seeing ads and reviews in magazines as a young programmer).
For context, I do have a basic understanding of vim because I run it on servers, but my knowledge doesn't go far beyond search and replace.
I mostly use Emacs because of org mode. It's way better than anything else trying to fill this hole. Otherwise I'd probably just use VSCode. But I don't want to add yet another editor to my regular use.
I wonder what it was about babashka that didn't work for the author. When I need a quick script with batteries included, I use babashka and it works great.
Running native-image on an already established, not-written-for-it codebase is a nightmare. I just tried again some months ago on the linked code bases. native-image wouldn't budge. Kept getting hung up on I don't even know what, the errors were way too opaque or the app just misbehaved in weird ways.
I still remember many years of reading comp.lang.lisp, where the #1 complaint of newcomers was that "common lisp cannot produce a native executable". I remember being somewhat amused by this, because apparently nobody expected the same thing from other languages, like, say, Python. But apparently things have changed over the years and now CL implementations can produce bundled executables while Clojure can't — how the tables have turned :-)
Also unless we're about Allegro or LispWorks with their own additions, the Java ecosystem tends to have more choice of mature libraries, I think ASDF isn't kind of spoiled by choice as Maven Central.
But to each their own.